Sunday, September 28, 2014

Portable Electronic Devices (PED) on board

Portable Electronic Devices (PED) is now allowed on board on European Flights.

Portable Electronic Devices (PED) include any kind of electronic device brought on board the aircraft by a passenger such as a tablet, a laptop, a smartphone, an e-reader or a MP3 player.

From the 26 September 2014 EASA has made it possible for airlines to allow passengers to use their PEDs throughout the flight, regardless of whether the device is transmitting or not, i.e. in ‘aeroplane mode’ or not.
It is now up to each airline to allow the use of PEDs or not.

In order to do this, the airlines will have to go through an assessment process, ensuring that the aircrafts are not affected in any way by the transmission of signals from the PEDs.

For safety reasons, EASA describes certain conditions for using such devices on board aircraft operated by European airlines. Based on these conditions, airlines may describe when PEDs can be used. In other words, airlines may be more restrictive than the EASA provisions are.

Because it is a decision of each airline, you may experience differences among airlines whether and when PEDs can be used. In addition, you may experience differences within one airline depending on the type of aircraft you are flying on.

As a passenger you should be aware of the following:

1. If you are unsure on the use of PEDs, you may check the airline’s website prior to the flight.
2.  Please remeber that the safety briefing provided by the airline crew is for your benefit. Please pay attention and listen carefully.
3. Airline crew may request at any time to switch-off all PEDs and to stow them.
4. Passengers must  follow the instructions given by the airline crew as safety is the responsibility of everyone on board the aircraft. Safety is everyone’s priority.

Source: EASA

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